NFL, National Football League

Monday, October 23, 2006

UFSLeague: 1000

Well folks, we did it. We at – have accomplished our goal. Well, that’s one of our immediate goals anyway on MySpace - We set out to introduce one-hundred new friends to the UFSLeague. Then two-hundred new friends and so on. Now we have one-thousand new lady friends, plus a couple or three guys who snuck in there too, who have not just viewed our profile on MySpace, but also became our friends. For that I/we thank you.

Our goal was to mainly go after the ladies. Why you ask? Well most guys think that ladies are not interested or even worst yet, don’t care and don’t want to know about sports. I decided to prove that wrong. Thus, over 1000 ladies have shown interest in the UFSLeague. Some slight interest while others have a more than general interest; never the less, an interest and I/we thank you.
What I think is that you ladies are like my New York. If I/we could market to you just by making you interested, then I should be able to market to the guys too. What I am trying to say ladies is, you are a much tougher sell than the guys. Yep! I’m speaking straight down stereotypical lines here. But it is because of the stereotypical lines that makes me want to promote to you and peek your interest first. Thus, we contacted with you first and I must say that I am quite pleased with the result. Again, thank you.

We thank the ladies who are pending who have not yet answered the call and those who have declined our invitation. We even thank the two-in-a thousand ladies that we upset by us contacting you. Hey, we are here for marketing. That is networking and making friends as we say on our pages. But in life you have to go through the ‘No’ to get to the ‘Yeses.’

Now guys its your turn. We are coming at you now, hard and fast. We are going to be contacting you in the same way that we contacted the ladies. Sorry to be connecting with you after the ladies but it is ladies first. Oh yea! Uh ladies. Why don’t you help me/us out? Tell your guy(s)/friend(s) to become a UFSLeague friend. Would you want them to know about the easiest fantasy sports game to play with the most Chance-To-Win CASH! What I mean is, who would they spend their potential winnings on?

Remember, our interest are your interest. We’d like to hear from anyone who has something to say about anything regarding We do not care if it is GBU. If it’s Good, then thank you. If it’s Bad, we’ll fix it. If it’s Ugly, we’ll change it. Why? Cause we want to make it easily playable for our end users, otherwise known as you. Oh! I/We are big believers in making the fine print stuff visible so look for that from me/us and hold me/us accountable. That’s it. Nothing else!

Ok, that’s it for now from It's the easiest fantasy sports game to play with the most Chance-To-Win CASH! Coming Soon! FantasySports

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