NFL, National Football League

Monday, September 18, 2006

UFSLeague: Seven Days

How do you eat an elephant? One day at a time. Or something like that. We started out with our networking just to tell anyone and everyone who took a chance to listen to us about the UFSLeague. Our networking is working rather well, for the short time we have been here. As you may know, we couldn't make our next application for seven days.

I am pleased to tell you that we are developing something new for you, to view information. It's our MySpace group page. Most importantly our MySpace group page will be the earliest place for the latest information. Our group page will get more information here and the quickest information too. Our group UFSLeague information will come to its members usually a day or two before it hits the street.

Here are some details. We have chosen the Recreation & Sports category. The only other thing there was strictly entertainment or fan club but we thought they didn't apply. To bad they didn't have a Fantasy Sports category. The group is open to the public to join and is not hidden so a search should find it too. Members of UFSLeague group can invite other members without UFSLeague approval.

Now here's a funny one. Next we choose Public Forum: Choose "Yes" if members can post bulletins. Choose "No" of only you the moderator, can post bulletins. This is auto set to YES. Next we get, Member's can Post Bulletins: Choose "Yes" if members can post bulletins. Choose "No" of only you the moderator, can post bulletins. This is auto set to NO. This seems a bit contradictory but we'll roll with it for now. I mean we can always change the settings later. We are allowing you to post images and there is no mature content.

My advice to you it to join the UltraFantasySportsLeague via,

Remember just cause you may not have an interest in sports it does not mean your not interesting. Just watch the metamorphism at UFSLeague. It's the easiest fantasy sports game to play with the most Chance-To-Win CASH!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

In The Begging, There Was Sport!

Ok, let’s not get carried away. I’d like to think that I am a simple guy but others would not always say so. What I am trying to in theory is simple but the practice seems challenging.

Perhaps I should start with why I am here and what I am doing. I like sports. I like all kinds of sports but I am NOT a big time gambler. This is why I play fantasy sports. I like to play a few fantasy sports games out there. However, I found them so difficult to play and win any cash. Sometimes I can’t even understand how to set the darn thing up! Therefore, I decided to get together with some folks and put together a fantasy sport of our own.

Thus, we came up with Ultra Fantasy Sports League., I am saying will be the easiest fantasy sports game to play with the most Chance-To-Win CASH! FREE! That’s right! I said FREE! There are going to be several levels of playing status but there is a FREE level to play too. So I think you should become my new friend whether your interest is in sports or not cause I think it would be interesting to watch the entire development of

Hey! Even if you decide to be a VIP1 player or a Free level player it does not matter now just come and play and have fun. It’s not something you have to worry about now anyway cause we are about sixty days out from going live. I/we are planning some big things at, so pay attention to us now. Oh! I am a big believer in the fine print stuff so look for that from me and hold me accountable.

BTW, I am starting this blog ahead of time because I think you would want to know about it. Why? You see the people who get there first will all receive preferential treatment from At this point we are not sure if it would be everyone who signs up or just the subscription players. I will let you know more on this in a later blog. We might be running a slogan contest soon too but not sure yet. We are working on one but we may run the contest anyway and give the prize to the second place winner even if we use our own slogan. Ok, that it for now from It’s the easiest fantasy sports game to play with the most Chance-To-Win CASH!

As we grow I will be opening up a BBS for posting. Post just about anything you want. I do not care if it is GBU. If it’s Good, then thank you. If it’s Bad, I’ll fix it. If it’s Ugly, I’ll change it. My main interest is to help build, into something that people will like. The best way to do that is with your help. It is a work in progress but someday I hope it is the premier place for fantasy sports.